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Swagelok Eastern New York | Western New England

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Vendor Managed Inventory

Shop floor inventory picture


Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) refers to the assignment of responsibility for managing and/or replenishing inventories from the buyer to the vendor. Once we decide on the parts to keep in stock, our team makes sure that it is constantly full, thus relieving the customer of this responsibility.                    

Benefits of a VMI:

  • Reduces inventory
  • Reduces administrative costs
  • Fewer stock shortages
  • Swagelok® parts available 24/7

 We offer the following VMI Solutions:

  • Manual count
  • Upload of spreadsheet to
  • IMS (Inventory Management System)
  • Vending machines (supply point, robocrib, cribmaster)

Please contact Pat Duffy to set up a VMI.