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Swagelok Eastern New York | Western New England

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Swagelok Eastern New York | Western New England has worldwide experience available through the Global Swagelok Network, bringing you only the proven best practice. 

Our international train industry experience revolves around minimizing leakage, increasing reliability and performance of the connections that make up the pipework in the bogie, and optimizing the assembly to improve ease of maintenance and reducing engineering time.

We can help by supplying sub-assemblies that we build, test, and deliver fight from our local inventory.  

Also, we can help streamline the procurement process by collecting up many parts into a kit, which means you order only one part number, not a multitude of separate parts.  

Download our PDF for more information about Swagelok's solutions for the train industry.


Contact Dave Galli, david.galli@swagelok.comfor more information on how we can get you rolling.